Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a [...]
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a [...]
If you've ever wondered if work had to be ... [...]
Have you ever thought about what path you’re on? About [...]
You know, I would soooo like to invent a simple [...]
The other day I heard someone equate security with stagnation. [...]
Most people are taught that the truth is some final [...]
If ever there was an epic display of love, honor [...]
“But that’s not what’s happening,” I said feeling the irritation [...]
Feel like typing this morning. Talking with my fingers. Usually [...]
As I sat in my practice of gratitude and positive [...]
An old coach of mine, Paul Dominguez, once taught me [...]
Whoever said, "Into every life a little rain must fall," [...]
In their Law of Attraction books, Esther and Jerry Hicks [...]
I wrote this 7 Sept 2006 a couple days after [...]
Well I’m no Thomas Friedman and no, I am not [...]
Know the song? I remember the Doris Day original, and [...]
... shouted a black man in a car driving past [...]
So I'm writing a book, and after explaining what the [...]
The other day I was having a drink with a [...]
I posted before about our ability to create a space [...]
The other day a friend of mine called me to [...]
A while back, I was standing in the elevator of [...]
I can't believe I did that! I mean really; what [...]
Came across this post by Cheryl Wright and would like [...]
It is quite amazing what music does to me; how [...]
A very special friend was recently confiding in me that [...]
I want an iPhone so bad it hurts. I recently [...]
"This is a gel Sir. And you're not allowed to [...]
Below was sent to me as a joke. I think [...]
What's a uniquely human ability? We are very likely the [...]
What is it about last minute that focuses the mind? [...]
There's the great and not-so-great (sorry famous) religions, there's mysticism, [...]
In my last post, I wrote about naming the voice [...]
If you haven't noticed the voice in your head by [...]
In a really great book, "Finding Your North Star", Martha [...]
The other day my friend Brenda posted a video of [...]
You've heard "life is a gift." Well this weekend I [...]
I was. Take a look at this: You can [...]
One is stressful, the other is numbing. The latter type [...]
Here's something that I've noticed recently. I don't say my [...]
Five things I hate? Interesting, almost refreshing twist on what [...]
Damn! What a great word. Wished I had coined it. [...]
Working for yourself presents unexpected challenges. Being on my own [...]
George Leonard has a book called "Mastery" that is essentially [...]
You heard me! It's big, it's round, it's talked about, [...]
From my bed I can see the Chrysler building through [...]
Don't they make life interesting? I'm tending to quite a [...]
I'm a big fan of the movie Crash because it [...]
The other morning,as I looked at my rather round belly, [...]
We can do so much today that was not possible [...]