Work Engagement Consultant ● Speaker ● Trainer
People are often disconnected from their work because they have no context for why they work. Your personal ambition is what gets you up in the morning. What’s yours?
Most speakers range from boring to good one-trick ponies. That means opportunity for you to stand out with a unique adaptable speaking style.
Everyone needs help and commitment is the technology we depend on to get stuff done. Amazingly very few people and organisations have effective practices to manage their commitments.
Most teams only achieve a fraction of their potential because the average team member was never taught how to sustainably coordinate action to fulfil team purposes.
From the blog
My blog posts are about reflections on business, career and personal life.
“How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Practice, practice, practice. Life is all about practice not perfection.
Reputation Arson
I was falsely accused once. It was for a social [...]
Remember this when accepting promises
Some years ago, my parents asked a man to paint [...]
The Practice of Luck
In Deadpool 2, Deadpool argued with a woman who claimed [...]
Teach kids what to value
It's a truism that with proper care and attention, the [...]
Sometimes it’s good to obsess on the negative
Everyone tells you to be positive, have positive thoughts, and [...]
This Christmas, have Santa give more than toys
This Christmas, why not have Santa give more than toys? [...]
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Featured Articles
Peter Anthony Gales2014-06-12T11:02:29-04:00June 13th, 2008|Tags: breakdowns, systems, technology|0 Comments
Don't they make life interesting? I'm tending to quite a [...]
Why didn’t you think of this?
Peter Anthony Gales2011-10-23T22:53:27-04:00September 14th, 2009|Tags: business, observation, opportunity, technology, trends|0 Comments
Back in 2006 Joshua Crandall observed his fellow commuters on [...]
Are you a hypocrite?
Peter Anthony Gales2021-06-28T13:15:15-04:00February 26th, 2016|Tags: integrity|0 Comments
Let's save some time. Of course you are; at least [...]