Acknowledgments are the key to Experiencing Caring and Rewarding Relationships in Personal and Professional Life

Thank-you(s) and apologies are forms of acknowledgments that we have clear and agreed upon rules about how and when to use.

However, there are many other forms of acknowledgments that are not explicitly taught, but when practiced can dramatically improve your personal and business  relationships.

Further, learning to acknowledge things or situations that are not working is an essential skill to (1) guiding an individual’s growth and (2) mitigating the cost of business breakdowns.  (Learn more about what the book is about here.)

This is a half-day workshop designed to have participants experience the benefits of giving and receiving acknowledgments.

Participants will learn the mechanics of an acknowledgment, how it can build relationships, and become more effective in their work and careers.

The workshop also deals with acknowledging the unsaid about personal and business situations that are not working with very real practical tips for having the difficult discussions necessary to move relationships forward and stop the bleeding from business projects gone wrong.