Had a very interesting conversation with a good friend of mine this morning and it was quite an eye-opener for me.  Here was a guy who in my eyes is one of the most highly trained beings on the planet telling me that he realizes how much he is not present, how he is constantly distracted by what’s going on in his head.

This was really surprising to me as this guy occurs as supremely in the moment whenever we are together, and he himself reports that he is able to fully listen to another person and re-create what’s going on for that person.

So that left me with a disconnect with an association I realize that I had made, and that association was that listening, really listening, is a natural manifestation of someone who has developed the ability to really be present.

Present all of the time.

My friend’s revelation may not necessarily be a refutation of this hypothesis, but it does open up for me that this game (as big or small as you choose to define it) has many, perhaps infinite, levels of mastery.  My friend may have developed a high level of skill in listening to others, maybe of really being able to be present in those moments, AND he is not yet able to bring that level of focus to other areas of his life.

So having mastered your serve on one surface doesn’t mean that you have on another.